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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Wiretapping of the DNC from Wikopedia

Wiretapping of the Democratic Party's headquarters[edit]not my own article just thought i woulkd share it

In January 1972, G. Gordon Liddy, general counsel to the Committee for the Re-Election of the President (CRP), presented a campaign intelligence plan to CRP's Acting Chairman Jeb Stuart Magruder, Attorney General John Mitchell, and Presidential Counsel John Dean, that involved extensive illegal activities against the Democratic Party. "This was, in fact, the opening scene of the worst political scandal of the twentieth century and the beginning of the end of the Nixon presidency.".[13]
Mitchell viewed the plan as unrealistic, but two months later is alleged to have approved a reduced version of the plan which involved burgling the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate Complex in Washington, D.C., the ostensible purpose of which was to photograph documents and install listening devices. Liddy was nominally in charge of the operation, but has since insisted that he was duped by Dean and at least two of his subordinates. These included former CIA officers E. Howard Hunt and James McCord, then-CRP Security Coordinator (John Mitchell had by then resigned as Attorney General to become chairman of the CRP).[14]
Two phones inside the offices of the Democratic National Committee headquarters were wiretapped. One of those phones was the phone of Robert Spencer Oliver who at the time was working as the executive director of the Association of State Democratic Chairmen and the other was the phone of the secretary of Democratic National Chairman Larry O'Brien.[15]
After two attempts to break into the Watergate Complex failed to yield information of value, the order for yet another break-in was given to Liddy by Jeb Magruder, either acting on his own or on orders from Dean.
Shortly after midnight on June 17, 1972, Frank Wills, a security guard at the Watergate Complex, noticed tape covering the latches on some of the doors in the complex leading from the underground parking garage to several offices (allowing the doors to close but remain unlocked). He removed the tape, and thought nothing of it. He returned an hour later, and having discovered that someone had retaped the locks, Wills called the police. Five men were discovered and arrested inside the DNC's office.[14] They were Virgilio González, Bernard Barker, James McCord, Eugenio Martínez, and Frank Sturgis, who were charged with attempted burglary and attempted interception of telephone and other communications. On September 15, a grand jury indicted them, as well as Hunt and Liddy,[16] for conspiracy, burglary, and violation of federal wiretapping laws. The five burglars who broke into the office were tried by Judge John Sirica and convicted on January 30, 1973.[17]

Coverup and its unravel

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Retweets For America

Homemade sign I saw in the back window of a sports car in Santa Monica yesterday: "All I wanted for Christmas was a new president!"

  1.   retweeted
    We love all of you. Please visit YOUR site and become a member.

  1. Experts say govt agencies, congressional offices could be vulnerable to Sony-like hack

USA Pride

I am Glad to see Sony decided to show the Movie,and for once President Obama had a Good opinion. We should not let that sawed off  Runt of a leader decide what we watch or not,and if the pipsqueek does something like this again shut his internet down for a week. it is a shame we do not have a weapon to take Kim Jun ill out from Here, and it is nice to see Russia loosing Money on oil, and we are smiling for a change
after all we have far more oil than the middle east keep it up ad some new refineries  Bring it Home to the USA

Roys Home Photos

Nancy Pelosi a Braindead politician

  i have Come to the Realization nancy Pelosi must be Braindead, Could anyone who was not Braindead
utter the words you have to pass it to see whats in it, now this is not the First time in our History this
has happened during the Carter administration the second worse administration in our History i do not
remember the womans name whether she was a Senator or Congressman uttered the same words of
a Carter Bill. How can you as a Democrat Believe that this Person Thinking you are so stupid have your
interest at Heart and i Know what you are asking and yes some Rhinos as well will go along with this,
The Lindsay Grahams The Mccains The Christies, but People Think before Falling

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The wisdom of a dumbass Bill Maher

    Well Stupidity spills out Of Bill Mahers Mouth yet again, Mahe 'r says we dont all need Jobs we should sit
Home and Recreat, says it would not Be a Bad Thing well Mr Mahe' r you willing to be the example lay down your salary Mr Obama lay Down your veto pen
 and Go Recreat bettar yet since your Buddy Barry agrees with you why not get him to forgo
his last two years in office, i dont think anyone would object and you could unite Congress as a side Benefit,
I am sure Republicans would vote to give you early Retirement and the money to hold elections early  so
go sit by the Beach in Hawaii and suck down a Mai Tai

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Democrats Promote Laziness

  We are Living in a world where Laziness is celebrated, Democrats promote not only Lazinesss
but, also irresponsibility is held up on a pedestal , from passing the buck its not your fault, if you get
fired for getting pregnant,we need to give you special priviledges, its not your fault if you dont pass
a Test its societies fault. Liberalism is a Cancer that eats away at society gobbles up the Resources
and Creates nothing, just as any other form of socialism.You have a Right To Healthcare i agree
if you get off your lazy ass and Pay for Your Healthcare you have a Right to it, what you do not have
a Right to do is have everyone else pay for it.