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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Retweets For America

Homemade sign I saw in the back window of a sports car in Santa Monica yesterday: "All I wanted for Christmas was a new president!"

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  1. Experts say govt agencies, congressional offices could be vulnerable to Sony-like hack

USA Pride

I am Glad to see Sony decided to show the Movie,and for once President Obama had a Good opinion. We should not let that sawed off  Runt of a leader decide what we watch or not,and if the pipsqueek does something like this again shut his internet down for a week. it is a shame we do not have a weapon to take Kim Jun ill out from Here, and it is nice to see Russia loosing Money on oil, and we are smiling for a change
after all we have far more oil than the middle east keep it up ad some new refineries  Bring it Home to the USA

Roys Home Photos

Nancy Pelosi a Braindead politician

  i have Come to the Realization nancy Pelosi must be Braindead, Could anyone who was not Braindead
utter the words you have to pass it to see whats in it, now this is not the First time in our History this
has happened during the Carter administration the second worse administration in our History i do not
remember the womans name whether she was a Senator or Congressman uttered the same words of
a Carter Bill. How can you as a Democrat Believe that this Person Thinking you are so stupid have your
interest at Heart and i Know what you are asking and yes some Rhinos as well will go along with this,
The Lindsay Grahams The Mccains The Christies, but People Think before Falling